Pick Up & Drop Off Hours
9 am — 12pm and 4 pm — 5:30 pm
9 am — 12 pm
4 pm — 5 pm
Tours are by appointment.
We offer the following amenities to assure the comfort of your pet.
Their own personal space to rest and stretch out
Private property in the countryside to explore with supervision
Secured, fenced in area
Central air and heated floors
Raised beds in each room
Soothing music played throughout the kennel
Outdoor access a minimum of four times daily
Daily wellness check
For VIP accommodations, we offer a TV in their kennel, a bigger room to stay in and additional playtime.
You can be assured that your family member will receive the best care available. We are very proud of our place and hope you will love it as much as we do!
What to Bring
Vaccination Records. Please bring a copy of your dogs most current vaccination records. Records will be kept on file.
Toys, chewies, or treats to make your dog feel as comfortable as possible. However, MerriMutts is not responsible for lost or damaged items. All guests are provided with a raised bed and bedding, food and water dishes. We find it very helpful if belongings are marked with your pet’s name. (please use a permanent marker).
Your pet's food. We suggest that you bring your own food. Keep in mind a change in diet can cause stomach upset during your pet's stay. PLEASE ONLY BRING ENOUGH FOOD TO COVER YOUR PETS STAY WITH US. Bring your food in a sealed waterproof container or in pre-measured plastic bags (no glass please), marked with your pet’s name and feeding instructions. If you choose not to bring your own food, we will provide your pet with a high-quality adult dog food for an additional $2 per day, per pet.
Medications (if any) All medications MUST be in the original bottle with readable instructions. Medications will be given according to your instructions at check-in. Other special needs are met whenever possible.
Download and fill out Lodging Agreement below or you can fill it out when you drop off your dog(s).
All dog must be up to date on DHPP, Bordetella and Rabies vaccines, in accordance with their veterinarian’s standards. The Bordetella (caninecough) vaccine is a source of controversy in the veterinary world. Some say the vaccine protects for a year, some say three months. At MerriMutts Inn the Bordetella vaccine is accepted for ONE YEAR AND MUST BE ADMINISTERED AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE YOUR DOG ENTERS THE FACILITY. Before the 72 hour limit, your dog is completely unprotected against caninecough. We also recommend, but do not require Corona, Influenza, and Lepto vaccinations. In the summer months, it is also highly recommended that your dog be treated with a Flea and Tick preventive, and also be on heartworm preventative.

Additional Dropoff/Pick Up Policies
Dogs picked up after 12:00 pm will be charged an additional half day rate (except for Sunday).
Dogs picked up or dropped off outside of regular kennel hours
(please make an appointment) will be charged an additional $25.00 fee.NO PICK UP OR DROP OFF AVAILABLE ON MAJOR HOLIDAYS: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.

Prices may be subject to change
All dogs who share a room, must be able to eat together
*New pricing effective June 1st, 2024
Before you book your pet’s stay, please check for availability on the calendar. If the kennel is full or closed, the date will be filled in gray. Once you find available dates that work for you, proceed to Request a Reservation below to book.